Sunday, September 21, 2008

Change the asynchronous timeout of the Callback Manager used by the WebAsyncRefreshPanel and WebTab

To change the default timeout, you need to modify the _timeLimit property on the Callback Manager object on the client side. This can be accomplished using the following line of code:

In Javascript:

ig_shared.getCBManager()._timeLimit = ;

Replace with the length of time (in milliseconds), you wish to change the timeout to.

Setting the timeout for the WebAsyncRefreshPanel in the InitializePanel client-side event:

In JavaScript:

function WebAsyncRefreshPanel1_InitializePanel(oPanel){
ig_shared.getCBManager()._timeLimit = 40000;

Setting the timeout for the WebTab in the InitializeTabs client-side event:

In Javascript:

function UltraWebTab1_InitializeTabs(oWebTab){
ig_shared.getCBManager()._timeLimit = 40000;
Reminder: the above code will not work in the release build of NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 3 as this functionality was added later on in a hot fix.

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